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"Beyond the World of Pink and Blue" Companion Guide: Presentation Links

Companion guide to the 2017 Virtual Midwifery Week Presentation "Beyond the World of Pink and Blue: Sexual Orientation and Gender Non-Conformity in Graduate Education and Among Underserved Populations".

Presentation Info and References

Please Note: This LibGuide will go live with updates from the presentation: "Beyond the World of Pink and Blue: Sexual Orientation and Gender Non-Conformity in Graduate Education and Among Underserved Populations" on October 2nd, 2017. However, we are still in the process of adding additional information and tabs to this guide, so check back often. Please feel free to let us know if there is additional information you'd like to see here. 

References from the presentation: 

2011 Study on MedEd Curriculum re: LGBTQ subjects:


To treat me, you have to know who I am.

Discussions on Health Equity

"Produced by the Health Policy Research Consortium (HPRC), Conversations on Health Equity is a video series exploring the national challenge of health disparities with leading health equity experts! In this episode (Part 1 of 3), our guest is Dr. Eliseo Pérez-Stable, director of the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD). The video series is hosted by John Sankofa, Senior Health Writer, HPRC."  Parts two and three of this interview (as well as other videos on health equity) can be found at the Heath Policy Research Consortium YouTube page