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Frequently Asked Questions

We have combined textbook and e-textbook lists into a single list using our new course readings system, KeyLinks. The booklist for the current term is available on the KeyLinks homepage.

The list includes links to e-textbooks when available, but please note that some e-textbooks have a user limit. If a title is not linked, then library access is not available.

Library eBooks cannot be downloaded in their entirety. All the platforms we use offer the ability to download a select number of pages as a PDF. Please see the Saving & Printing ebooks box on the e-Textbooks tutorial page for instructions.

eBooks on the LWW Health Library platform have a "Listen" feature available. This includes the following e-Textbooks:

Other platforms do not currently offer a "Listen" feature. If you would like to listen to the content, you may download a PDF and use Adobe Reader's "Read Out Loud" feature. See the Saving & Printing eBooks box on the e-Textbooks tutorial page for instructions on downloading PDFs of eBook content. Please remember that most eBooks will have a limit as to how many pages you can save as a PDF per day.

To use the "Read Out Loud" feature in Adobe, open the PDF in Adobe Reader (download here).

  1. Go to the "View" menu and select "Read Out Loud." Click "Activate Read Out Loud."
  2. Then navigate to the "View" menu and "Read Out Loud" again, and select either "Read This Page Only" or "Read To End of Document." You will also use this menu to pause and resume the audio.

Adobe Read Out Loud menu screenshot

To change the Read Out Loud volume, voice, pitch, or speed, go to the "Edit" menu, then "Preferences" and select "Reading" from the list.

Publishers can restrict how many users can view an eBook at one time. You may receive an error when attempting to access one of these books, because someone else is already using it.

We place orders for eBooks for the next term at the same time as the booklist goes out. We expect all titles to be available before the next term begins.

Some eBook platforms or formats don't include page numbers like in a print version. For these titles, we have tried to include section headings as well as page numbers in the course readings. The reading should also link directly to the appropriate section in the eBook.

If you are having difficulty determining which sections to read, or if the readings for your course list only page numbers, please contact us.

eBooks available on the LWW HealthLibrary are mobile-friendly, and the text will resize to the device you're using.

For both ProQuest eBook Central and EBSCO eBooks, we found that text size was a bit small on a tablet, but the interface was usable.
However, neither provided a good experience on a phone. If you need to access eBooks from these platforms on your mobile device, we recommend using the PDF option, which you can then open in the app of your choice. (Please see the Printing & Saving box on the e-Textbooks tutorial page for PDF instructions.)

Yes, you can add a bookmarks for the entire book, or for a particular chapter. Please read the instructions below, as an additional step is required for the EBSCO eBooks platform.

For both ProQuest eBook Central and LWW HealthLibrary titles, just bookmark the page as you normally do.

For EBSCO eBooks, you'll need to change the bookmark link to the EBSCO Permalink. Using the menu above the text, click on Permalink, then select and copy the link that appears.

screenshot showing permalink

Then, add your bookmark, but click on the "More" button before saving, and replace the URL with the permalink. Then save.

screenshot showing more option for bookmarkscreenshot showing bookmark details

We have eBooks from multiple "platforms" (or vendors). They include EBSCOhost eBooks, LWW HealthLibrary, ProQuest eBook Central, ScienceDirect, and Cambridge University Press.

A quick way to determine which platform you're using is the URL (such as,, or

Have a question that's not included here? Contact us at