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Discovery search

New Interface

EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS), otherwise known as Discovery, is implementing a new interface in Summer 2024.

What's not changing?

  • Content
    Although the Discovery interface is new, all content and results will be the same as in the existing interface.
  • EBSCOhost databases
    The new interface is currently only for the Discovery service. Other EBSCOhost databases (MEDLINE, CINAHL, etc.) will be switched over to the new interface at a later date.

New and Updated Features

Several new features will be available in the updated interface, and there are important updates to some existing features. Keep scrolling for details on changes to permalinks, MyEBSCO Folder, and text-to-speech options.


Many users will be familiar with using EBSCO "permalinks" to return to searches or cite articles. Previously, you could not just copy and re-use the URL from the browser. In the new interface, you will be able to copy the URL from the browser's address bar and use it later to return to your search or article.

Classic Interface:

screen capture from classic EBSCO interface showing permalink display


In the new interface, there is still a "Share" option to create a link to article details. You can also just copy the URL, for both individual articles and search results.

screen capture showing the Share options in the new EBSCO interface. The Create Link feature is highlighted


Reminder - Permalinks are still necessary for any databases using the Classic EBSCO interface. If you are searching MEDLINE, CINAHL, etc., continue to use the permalink option to cite your article or return to a search.

MyEBSCO Account

screen capture showing "My dashboard" section of the new EBSCO interface


The new interface includes a Dashboard where you can save articles, searches, and create journal alerts. This is similar to the existing "Folder" in the Classic EBSCO interface. You can sign in or create an account by clicking on "MyEBSCO" in the upper right corner.

If you have an existing EBSCO account, you will use the same username/password to sign in to the new Discovery interface. Your account will work for both Classic and New interfaces, although the personal account features may be different.

  • Projects are similar to folders. Create multiple projects to organize your research.
  • Saved includes any saved or bookmarked articles or searches.
  • Searches contains both your search history and search alerts. Use the search history to save searches.
  • Viewed includes previously viewed articles, ebooks, or other records.
  • Journal alerts

Listen (text-to-speech)

The new Discovery interface includes a text-to-speech option so you can listen to articles.

Which articles are included?

The feature is limited to articles that can be viewed within the Discovery interface. Articles that say "Online Full Text" or "PDF" under the Access options drop-down are included.

screen capture showing the Access options dropdown on the new Discovery interface


In either the online full-text or PDF viewer, click on the headphones icon to use the text-to-speech feature. You can adjust volume, speed, text scrolling, and highlighting. If you do not want to remain in the viewer, you can download the audio as an mp3 file.

screen capture of an article with Listen (text-to-speech) options panel


More Information

If you would like additional information about using the new Discovery interface, we recommend these resources from EBSCO. You can also contact the library with any questions!

New Discovery interface tutorial

New Discovery interface Quick Start guide