It is very important to cite images that you use, just as you would cite any other work that is not your own. When using an image in a paper or presentation that uses APA Style, treat the image as a figure (see Chapter 7, "Tables and Figures," in the APA Manual). Figures in a paper require a number, title, and note with copyright attribution. For presentations, the number and title are optional, but the note with copyright attribution is still required (with a few exceptions). They should also have a reference list entry.
Figure Note
The figure note contains information or comment on the figure (optional), and a copyright attribution.
Copyright attribution includes title, author, date, site name (if available), and location (URL), as well as information about the copyright and permission status (if necessary) of the item. It is used instead of an in-text citation.
For example, to use this image:
the note placed below it would be:
Reference List Entry
A reference list entry should also be provided for the figure. For the example above, the reference list entry would be:
Sample references from Academic Writer:
The document below contains several examples of using and citing images in a presentation (e.g. PowerPoint).