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Instructions for faculty on adopting new textbooks for their course

Textbook Change Form

To make a change to a required and/or optional text for a course, please complete the textbook change form using the link below. Changes include updating to a new edition of the same text.

Please note that changes to course readings is a separate process. Those changes can be sent to Aimee Niles, Library Technician (

Online Bookstore

FNU uses Akademos, which operates, as our online bookstore.  Booklists are made available to students six weeks prior to the beginning of each term (see the timeline, right).  Since students don't have access to syllabi unitl two weeks before the term, the bookstore listing serves as their official list.  While students are free to buy their books wherever they choose, the TextbookX site is the only site that we refer them to.

Below is a link to the online bookstore.  This link is also available on the Banyan Tree portal page under Courses.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please contact Aimee Niles and she will change the Course Coordinator listing for the course.

If your textbook is available as a library e-book, it will be linked on the booklist in KeyLinks. It will also be noted in the Textbooks box in your course readings. If you are considering a new textbook, and want to see if it is available as an e-book, use the form on the e-Textbooks page.

You can consider using e-reserves/e-books or open educational resources. See Textbook Costs for more information.

Timeline for Current Term

Spring Term Begins
April 7, 2025

The textbook list in the Bookstore must be available to students on Feb. 24.  

Any textbook changes must be submitted using the Textbook Change Form by Wednesday, February 12. 

The review period (to check that your course is displaying correctly) starts on February 17.